Donyall Dickey founder of Educational Epiphany, LLC renowned expert in professional development
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Specializing in bright ideas for literacy, leadership, curriculum development, and school improvement.
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Donyall D. Dickey, Ed.D.

Driven by purpose and passion.

It is more critical than ever for schools and districts to not only have access to high-impact resources, but to also have a dedicated partner that listens, understands, and remains flexible in their service posture. Educational Epiphany is focused on promoting student achievement and school improvement through a finite set of actionable, measurable, and replicable ideas, including:


Providing support every step of the way in students’ literacy development journey across the four core content areas for:

Donyall Dickey and a group of grade school students and teachers in a room with a caption Access is Priority #1
a group of people posing for picture with Dr. Dickey while sitting on the floor


Developing the capacity of school-based and central office leadership teams to lead through the challenges associated with promoting positive and enduring change, including support for:

  • Aspiring administrators
  • Assistant principals working toward the principalship
  • School- and district-level academic coaches
  • Principals
  • Principal supervisors
  • Assistant superintendents
  • Chief academic officers
  • Superintendents

School Improvement

Supporting schools to coalesce around a finite number of instructional practices by providing:

  • Professional learning for every tier of the school, district, and/or organization related to these instructional practices
  • Access to the instructional resources necessary to implement the instructional practices with attention to the calibration of knowledge, language, and tools
  • Real-time, on-the-ground feedback and support to central office leaders, school leaders and their teams, and teachers
a high impact multi-tiered approach presentation with Donyall Dickey and guests
Professional Learning Workshop with Dr. Dickey CEO of Educational Epiphany

Curriculum Development

Conceptualizing curricula for the four core content areas (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) and/or reviewing and refining school- and district-level curricula for the core content areas pre-K–12

Learn more about Educational Epiphany

Discover our line of professional books!

The Integrated Approach to Student Achievement, 4th Edition
Mitigating Curricular Chaos
Dr. Donyall Dickey CEO of Educational Epiphany

Meet Donyall D. Dickey, Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Donyall D. Dickey, Ed.D., is a nationally recognized authority on curriculum, instruction, organizational development, and district improvement. Unparalleled levels of student achievement and school improvement distinguish Dr. Dickey’s 20+-year career as an educational leader. Currently, as the Chief Executive Officer and Lead Consultant for Educational Epiphany, Dr. Dickey, along with his national consulting team, is in partnership with urban, suburban, and rural school districts in 40+ states across the nation.

What our partners are saying

The impact is in the data

While 66% of US third graders do not read at the grade-level expectation, Educational Epiphany students are progressing toward and beyond developmentally appropriate expectations.

A graph showing multi-colored lines moving upward for years 1,2, 3 and 4
graphs showing impact data of grade level students performance
  • Inaugural anchor data from the first school in implementation in the United States
  • Murray Hill Middle School, Maryland
  • Majority minority school (at the time, was the lowest performing secondary school in the district)

This longitudinal study on the impact of Educational Epiphany’s ideas for early and continuing literacy is published in a white paper by Scholastic Education.