Educational Epiphany

August 1, 2012

Meeting the Demands of Common Core Writing

As a natural outgrowth of meeting the charge to define college and career readiness, the Common Core Standards provide expectations for what it means to be an effective writer. In fact, writing tasks will be used extensively to measure student understanding of the myriad of complex skills represented in the standards. This workshop will prepare district […]
August 1, 2012

Linking Text Complexity and Rigorous Instruction

The Common Core Standards place a strong emphasis on the role of text complexity in evaluating student readiness for college and careers. For far too long, school leaders have been asked to ensure that students are consistently exposed to rigorous instruction with out the provision of tools to make the discussion actionable. This workshop will build […]
August 1, 2012

Infusing Disciplinary Literacy into the Content Areas

This wave of school reform from the middle grades to collegiate study requires that students are able to approach disciplinary-specific texts with the skill of a trained expert in the field of study. This workshop will build district and state leaders’ capacity to support teachers and school leaders in the process of infusing discipline-specific comprehension strategies […]