Educational Epiphany

August 1, 2012

Ensuring the Alignment of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Once it has been determined what students should know and be able to do, it becomes incumbent upon the leadership of the district or state to provide teachers and school leaders with tools to deliver quality instruction and administer formative and summative assessments aligned with both the scope/sequence and the demands of the curriculum. This workshop […]
July 31, 2012

Building High Functioning Professional Learning Communities

The efforts of educators can have a significant impact on student achievement. In fact, educators who: (1) focus on learning, rather than teaching; (2) recognize the dynamic power of collaboration; and (3) judge their effectiveness based on results will become the teachers and leaders that our schools deserve. This workshop will equip site-based and district level […]
July 31, 2012

Meeting the Demands of Common Core Writing

As a natural outgrowth of meeting the charge to define college and career readiness, the Common Core Standards provide expectations for what it means to be an effective writer. In fact, writing tasks will be used extensively to measure student understanding of the myriad of complex skills represented in the standards. This workshop will prepare teachers […]