Rate Our Professional Development

    Welcome to the Educational Epiphany Professional Development and Keynote Presentation Survey. We value our partners' thoughts and opinions and greatly appreciate your taking the time to share your feedback.

    If you have additional thoughts, photos, tweets, social media posts, videos, or would like to submit a testimonial, please email epiphanynews458@gmail.com.

    The Educational Epiphany Team

    On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the BEST, how good of a use of your time was the keynote/professional development with Dr. Dickey?

    On a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being MOST INTERESTED, would you like more professional learning from Dr. Dickey and his team?

    [textarea textarea-604 placeholder "Are there any additional thoughts or "epiphanies" that you would like to share with Dr. Dickey?"]