Educational Epiphany

August 19, 2012

Conducting Meaningful Informal and Formal Observations

Teachers need, expect, and deserve targeted feedback on their ability to plan and deliver effective instruction. Unfortunately, many teachers seldom receive the diagnostic and prescriptive feedback necessary to improve the quality, scope, and depth of their daily instruction. This workshop will equip principals, assistant principals, and content leaders (department chairs) with an impactful framework and tools […]
August 19, 2012

Teaching Disciplinary Literacy in Science, Social Studies & Technical Subjects

This wave of school reform from the middle grades to collegiate study requires that students are able to approach disciplinary-specific texts with the skill of a trained expert in the field of study. This workshop will build school leader and teacher capacity to make use of discipline-specific comprehension strategies, ensure exposure to a variety of texts, […]
August 19, 2012

Transitioning to Close Reading

The demands of the Common Core Standards require that students have the ability to engage in careful, sustained interpretation of a variety of texts. This workshop will build school leader and subsequently teacher capacity to model for students the process of reading with a greater emphasis on the particular over the general with strategic attention to […]