Educational Epiphany

July 31, 2012

Operationalizing Close Reading

The demands of the Common Core Standards require that students have the ability to engage in careful, sustained interpretation of a variety of texts. This workshop will build teacher capacity to model for students the process of reading with a greater emphasis on the particular over the general with strategic attention to individual words, syntax, and […]
July 31, 2012

Qualifying Texts to Meet the Demands of Complexity

The Common Core Standards place a strong emphasis on the role of text complexity in evaluating student readiness for college and careers. This workshop will build teacher capacity to use quantitative, qualitative, and reader & task considerations to qualify and select appropriate texts for daily instruction.
July 17, 2012

Ensuring Gains Among Students with Limited English Proficiency

Description: Language acquisition and skill development can take place simultaneously. For that reason, students who speak English as a second language can be taught “how to read” and “how to read to learn” in concurrently without sacrificing either. This workshop series, for teachers of all content areas, will equip teachers struggling to meet the complex needs […]