Workshops For Teachers

July 31, 2012

Disciplinary Literacy in Science, Social Studies & Technical Subjects

This wave of school reform from the middle grades to collegiate study requires that students are able to approach disciplinary-specific texts with the skill of a trained expert in the field of study. This workshop will build teacher capacity to make use of discipline-specific comprehension strategies and subsequently teach those strategies to adolescent readers.
July 31, 2012

Unraveling the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Reading and English

The TEKS outline what students should know and be able to do; however, in order to promote significant student achievement, the complexity of the standards require that teachers have expert knowledge of the nuances of each standard and a new generation of instructional materials. This workshop will prepare teachers to plan and provide targeted, explicit instruction […]
July 31, 2012

Ensuring Gains Among English Language Learners

Language acquisition and skill development can take place simultaneously. For that reason, students who speak English as a second language can be taught “how to read” and “how to read to learn” in concurrently without sacrificing either. This workshop series, for teachers of all content areas, will equip teachers struggling to meet the complex needs of […]