
July 17, 2012

Unraveling the Common Core Standards for English, Language Arts, & Literacy in Social Studies, Science, and the Technical Subjects

The Common Core Standards are the culmination of an extended effort to fulfill the charge issued by the states to develop and implement K-12 standards to ensure that all students are college and career ready no later than the end of high school. This workshop will assist site-based (principals, department leaders, and teachers) leaders in developing […]
July 17, 2012

Establishing a Exceptional Culture of Instruction

Description: All learning communities have a culture, some articulate meaningful and measurable goals, but many are challenged with translating abstract goals into concrete practices. This workshop series/keynote presentation will challenge participants (school leaders and teachers) to consider and plan for the integration of practices germane to: Knowledge of the Curriculum; Instructional Leadership; Common Language and Instructional […]
July 17, 2012


Professional Development Professional development is a comprehensive, sustained, and intensive approach to improving school leaders’ and teachers’ effectiveness in raising student achievement. In order to be comprehensive, impactful, and yield continuous results, professional development must: • foster collective responsibility for improved student performance • align with local educational agency school improvement goals • align with state […]